
Each person that needs access to BiG EVAL needs a user account in the BiG EVAL usermanagement. The user can either be a generic BiG EVAL user or an importat user from an LDAP / Active Directory.

Please note: To use the LDAP / Active Directory SSO authentication, you first need to activate this functionallity.

Creating a User-Account

  1. Open the Usermanagement in “System” -> “Usermanagement” in the main navigation.
  2. Click on “Create User”.
  3. Enter the requested information. Use a unique username and a password that fulfills the password complexity requirements.
  4. Switch to the roles-register to assign user-roles.
  5. Click on “Create User” to save the user.

Import an LDAP User

First ensure that LDAP / Active Directory SSO is activated.

  1. Open the Usermanagement in “System” -> “Usermanagement” in the main navigation.
  2. Click on “Import User”.
  3. Enter the domain and username in the format of DOMAIN\USERNAME and click on “Search”.
  4. If the user could be found, details will be shown. If not, ensure you entered the correct information.
  5. Click on “Import User”.
  6. Open the imported user and assign the correct roles.
  7. Save the user.

Assign Roles

  1. Open the Usermanagement in “System” -> “Usermanagement” in the main navigation.
  2. Edit the user whose roles should be changed.
  3. Choose the needed roles in the roles-register.
  4. Save the user.
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